This blog was first published on the Filecoin Station blog.
On November 13th, we publicly launched Filecoin Station, a desktop app enabling everybody to participate in the Filecoin economy and earn FIL for contributing their spare computing resources & network bandwidth. (You can download the app here: The launch was a success, and our network grew from ~50 to more than ~1500 nodes in a few days. As of today, we have 4000 nodes running. We quickly discovered that our database was having a hard time keeping up with the increased load.
- Setting up observability for Postgres performance requires a bit of work, but it gives you valuable insights into the performance of your database.
- Often, you can reduce database load by optimizing other parts of your system first, e.g., caching the HTTP responses. Adding more indices is not always the most impactful change.
- Using Postgres for time-series data gives you a fast start but does not scale well. Instead of querying the raw data for visualizations, consider periodically calculating aggregated statistics and storing them in a different table (or a time-series database).
While I had plenty of ideas of what could be optimized, I wanted to focus on the most impactful changes and have data to boast about my impact. If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
The first step was to improve our tooling and start observing the performance of our Postgres database. Initially, I was thinking about the following metrics:
- queries per second
- query duration (p50, p90)
After a quick search on the internet, I realized there are more aspects I should care about:
- fetch, insert, update, and delete throughput
- proportion of index scans over total scans
- CPU load
- memory use
Let’s get to work!
We are hosting our backend services and the database on and use Grafana to visualize metrics reported by our systems. Fortunately, is already ingesting Postgres metrics (docs) into a managed Prometheus instance that we can query from our managed Grafana dashboards (docs).
Queries per second
Visualizing queries per second is easy. I just copied the query from the Metrics dashboard:
)) by (datname) + sum(irate(
)) by (datname)
Query duration
Observing how long it takes to execute queries is surprisingly difficult. The only relevant metric provided by is pg_stat_activity_max_tx_duration
. I decided to stick with this one for the time being.
max(pg_stat_activity_max_tx_duration{app="your-db-app"}) by (datname)
Query throughput
I adapted the queries from’s built-in dashboard to show only queries from the Spark API application. For each metric I am interested in, I created a new query in the Grafana visualization.
sum(irate(pg_stat_database_tup_returned{app="your-db-app", datname="your-db-name"}))
List of metrics:
- pg_stat_database_tup_fetched
- pg_stat_database_tup_inserted
- pg_stat_database_tup_updated
- pg_stat_database_tup_deleted
Rows loaded vs. rows returned
Ideally, the number of rows loaded should be close to the number of rows returned on the database. This indicates that the database is completing read queries efficiently — it is not scanning through many more rows than it needs to in order to satisfy read queries. A low ratio indicates that the data may not be properly indexed.
pg_stat_database_tup_fetched{app="your-db-app", datname="your-db-name"}
pg_stat_database_tup_returned{app="your-db-app", datname="your-db-name"}
Postgres' terminology is a bit confusing; you can learn more in Datadog’s article about PostgreSQL monitoring here.
Index scans vs total scans
This needs idx_scan
and seq_scan
from pg_stat_user_tables
, which is unfortunately not provided by
I skipped this metric in the initial setup but later found a way to observe it. I describe the solution below in Observing query performance.
CPU load & memory usage
These metrics are described in’s docs:
CPU load:
Memory usage:
Initial observations
- The ratio
is extremely low (less than 0.01%). We are sorely missing an index for a frequent query. - Max query duration has peaks that are gradually becoming higher and higher. This can be explained by sequential scans taking longer as the number of rows increases.
- CPU load has spikes reaching 15; that’s awfully high.
Finding missing indices
How can we find which queries are missing an index to speed them up? Let’s enable the extension pg_stat_statements
This extension requires the DB server to load a shared library. Fortunately, makes this easy, as explained in the community discussion:
❯ fly postgres config update -a your-db --shared-preload-libraries pg_stat_statements
The next step is enabling the extension by running the following SQL command:
While we manage database schema using migration scripts, I decided to execute this command directly:
❯ fly pg connect -a your-db-app -d your-db-name
your-db-name=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_stat_statements;
Now we can find the top 10 slowest queries:
SELECT query, mean_exec_time
FROM pg_stat_statements
ORDER BY mean_exec_time DESC
Observing query performance
Checking pg_stat_statements
manually is a good start, but can we ingest this data into Grafana? It turns out there is an easy solution: InfluxDB’s Telegraf and its plugin postgresql_extensible.
We are already running Telegraf to collect measurements about the on-chain activity; all I need is to set up the plugin postgresql_extensible
The first step is to attach our database to our Telegraf app:
❯ flyctl postgres attach --app you-telegraf-app your-db-app
IMPORTANT: This will configure a new secret DATABASE_URL
containing the Postgres connection string. This connection string specifies telegraf
as the database name. That’s not what we want! We need to edit the connection string, change /telegraf
to /you-db-name
, and then edit the secret via fly secret set
The next step is to add more inputs to the Telegraf configuration file:
address = "${DATABASE_URL}"
prepared_statements = true
sqlquery="SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = 'your-db-name'"
sqlquery="SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_tables"
sqlquery="SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY mean_exec_time DESC LIMIT 1"
sqlquery="SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_exec_time DESC LIMIT 1"
After deploying the changes to via fly deploy
, we can add new visualizations to our Grafana dashboard.
This part is a bit tricky. I don’t know how to work with the data points recorded by postgresql_extensible
query, so I created a visualization that shows the last slowest query.
Flux DB query:
import "strings"
from(bucket: "station")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop:v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "pg_stat_statements_slowest_mean_exec_time"
and r._field == "mean_exec_time"
Grafana transformation:
Config from query results
Config query: query
Apply to: Fields returned by query
Apply to options: Query: mean_exec_time
Field Use as Select
Time Ignore Last *
query {db="postgres",... Display name Last
We can also visualize the ratio of indexed vs. sequential scans now, using the following query:
import "strings"
from(bucket: "station")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop:v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "pg_stat_user_tables"
and (r._field == "idx_scan" or r._field == "seq_scan" or r._field == "relname")
|> keep(columns: ["_field", "_value", "_time", "relname"])
|> pivot(rowKey: ["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
Fixing slow queries
This was the easiest part. I looked at the slowest queries reported in the table pg_stat_statements
, figured out which columns need to be indexed, and added those indices.
Caching at the REST API layer
While I was optimizing our database, my colleague enabled Cloudflare cache for our REST API. That change immediately fixed most of the database performance problems we had. Ouch! 🤦🏻♂️
There was a catch, though: the most frequently accessed API endpoint returns data that changes once an hour. The caching configuration was a tradeoff:
- a short max-age avoids stale data but puts more pressure on our system
- a long max-age increases the chance that clients receive stale data
Here came the moment when I appreciated our decision to design SPARK to eventually become fully decentralized with no single point of failure and to leverage immutable data. The REST API endpoint in question was performing two tasks:
- Determine what’s the current SPARK round. This data is stored in memory and does not require database access. We will run this logic client-side in the future, as the data is available in the smart-contract’s on-chain state.
- Return details about the SPARK round N. This requires database access, but round details are immutable. (We will eventually calculate round tasks on the client, too, but that’s further away.)
We already have a different API endpoint for obtaining round details, which the evaluation service uses to validate that clients performed tasks belonging to the current round. What was remaining to do: rework the API endpoint for obtaining current round details to redirect clients to the other API endpoint, and change Cache-Control
headers returned by both endpoints:
- “current round redirect” is cached for 1 second
- “round N details” is cached for one year
With this change in place, we fetch round details from the database only very few times (once per round for each Cloudflare cache instance) and still serve our clients accurate information about the current round.
Important: By default, Cloudflare enforces a minimal max-age
value of 4 hours for cache-able content. I had to turn off this behaviour in the caching configuration by asking Cloudflare to honor max-age
returned by the server.
Grafana Dashboards
The changes I made in our backend significantly improved the performance:
- CPU load decreased from 15 to 0.4
- Max query duration went down from 140 ms to 0.1 ms
However, there were still big spikes whenever we opened SPARK’s dashboard.
The thing is, we were treating our Postgres database as a source of time-series data and running aggregation queries to build data for visualizations. Indexing does not help here because the database has to read every row belonging to the selected time interval. With hundreds of thousands of measurements recorded every hour, there are a lot of rows to scan!
While it’s tempting to have a granular view of live data, most of the time, we are interested in a high-level overview spanning a larger timeframe. Instead of computing the retrieval success rate at each minute, it’s enough to see the retrieval success rate for each SPARK round (around one hour now).
The last step on my database performance optimization journey was to rework our backend to calculate aggregated metrics for each SPARK round and write it to our InfluxDB instance we already use for other time-series data, and rework our Grafana visualizations to source this aggregated data from InfluxDB instead of Postgres.
This change has noticeably improved the loading time of our dashboards.
- Setting up observability for Postgres performance requires a bit of work, but it gives you valuable insights into the performance of your database.
- Often, you can reduce database load by optimizing other parts of your system first, e.g., caching the HTTP responses. Adding more indices is not always the most impactful change.
- Using Postgres for time-series data gives you a fast start but does not scale well. Instead of querying the raw data for visualizations, consider periodically calculating aggregated statistics and storing them in a different table (or a time-series database).